August 17-24, 2024
Agricultural Hall
Entry Deadline: Aug 12, 2024
Drop Off: Bring exhibit items to
the Red Ag Hall on:
Thurs., Aug 15 from 6-8pm
Friday, Aug 16 from 9-11 am
2024 Defiance County Fair - Ag Hall Entries
All entries are $1.00 per class for all departments for both Junior and Senior classes
In Person Entry
Print entry form above and complete class information. Use the list of classes in the above link.
Drop off entry at the Fair Secretary’s Office located at 530 S. Main Street, Hicksville, Ohio 43526
Checks payable to Agricultural Fair of Defiance County
Office Hours: August 1st 4:00 pm -7:00 pm and August 8th 1:00 pm-4:00 pm
Mail Entry
Print entry form above and complete class information. Use the list of classes in the above link.
Mail Entry form and payment to Defiance County Fair PO Box 184, Hicksville, OH 43526
Checks payable to Agricultural Fair of Defiance County
Email Entry
List classes/class number from the Ag Hall List of Classes in the above link.
Be sure to list in the email the class number and class name.
Include your Name, Address and Phone number in the email.
Payment is due when entries are dropped off.
Email to:
Online Entry
We are excited to be able to offer an online entry format for the Defiance County Fair.
This is a work in progress and there may be some glitches. Please help us make this online entry process better by reporting any errors that you encounter.
We are currently not able to accept payment online and ask that you are prepared to make payment when items are brought to the Fair.
Use the Department buttons below to make your entry. Once you hit submit you will have an opportunity to review entries. Please print for your records and bring with you when entries are dropped off.
Defiance County Open Class Categories
Department 100 Baked Goods - Senior Division
SENIOR DIVISION – Over age of 16
Superintendent – Tracey Backhaus 419.438.1149
Refer to the Exhibit General Rules for class-specific instructions
CLASS A CUPCAKES (6 on a plate)
100 A-1 Decorated
100 A-2 Filled
100 A-3 Mini Cupcakes – Decorated
100 A-4 Cupcake Cake – Decorated
100 A-5 Cake Pops – Decorated
100 A-6 Whoopie Pies – *5*
100 A-7 Any other cupcakes
100 B-1 Angel Food Cake
100 B-2 Spice Cake
100 B-3 Carrot Cake
100 B-4 Light Layer Cake
100 B-5 Dark Layer Cake
100 B-6 Nut Cake
100 B-7 Fruit Cake
100 B-8 Red Velvet Cake
100 B-9 Any Other Variety of Cake
100 B-10 Decorated Cakes
100 C-1 Pumpkin
100 C-2 Peach
100 C-3 Cherry
100 C-4 Apple
100 C-5 Blueberry
100 C-6 Pecan
100 C-7 Any Sugar-free Fruit Pie
100 C-8 Any Other Variety of Two-Crust Pie
100 C-9 Any Other Variety of One-Crust Pie
100 C-10 Decorated Pie Crust
100 D-1 Chocolate Chip
100 D-2 Snickerdoodles
100 D-3 Oatmeal
100 D-4 Drop Sugar
100 D-5 Cut-Out Sugar
100 D-6 Brownies
100 D-7 Peanut Butter
100 D-8 Molasses
100 D-9 Monster
100 D-10 Ice Box
100 D-11 Decorated
100 D-12 Pumpkin
100 D-13 No Bake
100 D-14 Any Other Variety of Cookie
100 E-1 White Bread
100 E-2 Wheat Bread
100 E-3 Any Variety of Bread
100 E-4 Dinner Rolls
100 E-5 Sweet Rolls
100 E-6 Any Other Variety of Rolls
100 F-1 Banana Bread
100 F-2 Zucchini Bread
100 F-3 Cornbread
100 F-4 Pumpkin Bread
100 F-5 Baking Powder Biscuits
100 F-6 Muffins
100 F-7 Coffee Cake
100 F-8 Any Other Quick Bread Variety
CLASS G CANDY (6 Pieces)
100 G-1 Buckeyes
100 G-2 Caramels
100 G-3 Chocolate Fudge
100 G-4 Peanut Butter Fudge
100 G-5 Peanut Brittle
100 G-6 Molded Candy
100 G-7 Mints
100 G-8 Toffee
100 G-9 Any Other Variety of Sugar-Free Candy
100 G-10 Any Other Variety of Candy
​CLASS H NOODLES (1 Pound Bag – must be dried)
100 H-1 Hand Cut
100 H-2 Machine Cut
CLASS I SUGAR / GLUTEN FREE (4 Samples on Plate for Judging)
100 I-1 Sugar-Free
100 I-2 Gluten Free
All Ingredients Allowed
100 J-1 Gingerbread Houses
Department 150 Baked Goods - Junior Division
JUNIOR DIVISION – 2 to 16 years
Superintendent-Tracey Backhaus 419.438.1149
All rules and regulations that apply to the Senior Division also apply to the Junior Division.
$1.00 Entry Fee for Junior and Senior Divisions.
Refer to the Exhibit General Rules for class-specific instructions
150 A-1 Any Variety Decorated Cake
150 B-1 Any Variety Decorated Cupcakes
150 B-2 Decorated Cupcake Cake
CLASS C COOKIES (4 on a plate)
Nuts are optional, not a requirement.
Please mark “Nuts” or “No Nuts” on the covering.
150 C-1 Chocolate Chip
150 C-2 Cut-Out Sugar
150 C-3 Drop Sugar
150 C-4 Oatmeal
150 C-5 Snickerdoodles
150 C-6 Peanut Butter
150 C-7 Monster
150 C-8 Decorated
150 C-9 No Bake
150 C-10 Any Other Variety Cookie
150 D-1 Banana Bread
150 D-2 Corn Bread
150 D-3 Zucchini Bread
150 D-4 Any Other Variety of Quick Bread
150 D-5 Baking Powder Biscuits (4)
150 D-6 Muffins (4)
​CLASS E CANDY (6 pieces)
150 E-1 Buckeyes
150 E-2 Chocolate Fudge
150 E-3 Peanut Butter Fudge
150 E-4 Any Other Variety Candy
150 F-1 White Bread (Small Loaf)
150 F-2 Wheat Bread (Small Loaf)
150 F-3 Other Variety Bread (Small Loaf)
150 F-4 Dinner Rolls (4)
150 F-5 Sweet Rolls (4)
150 F-6 Other Variety of Yeast Rolls (4)
All Ingredients Allowed
150 G-1 Gingerbread Houses (Ages 2-5)
150 G-2 Gingerbread Houses (Ages 6-9)
150 G-3 Gingerbread Houses (Ages 10-13)
150 G-4 Gingerbread Houses (Ages 14-16)
Department 100
Department 200/250
Department 200 Agriculture Exhibits Senior & Junior
Superintendent – Tracey Backhaus 419.438.1149
Refer to the Exhibit General Rules for class-specific instructions.
(Must be pre-registered to receive premium)
200 A-1 Any Organizational Booth (must cover at least 6’x6’ space with background)
Class B - CROPS
200 B-1 Wheat (1QT jar)
200 B-2 Corn (6 ears)
200 B-3 Popcorn (6 ears)
200 B-4 Sweet Corn (6 ears)
200 B-5 Soybean (1 qt jar)
200 B-6 Oats (1 qt jar)
200 B-7 Clover Seed (1 qt jar)
200 B-8 Alfalfa (1 center slice)
200 B-9 Grass Hay (1 center slice)
200 B-10 Largest Sunflower Head, by diameter
200 B-11 Tallest Sunflowers (no roots)
200 B-12 3 Stalks of Soybeans (no roots)
200 B-13 3 Stalks of Corn (no roots)
Mark variety on entry card. Must have been home / family grown.
200 C-1 Beets - 3 - any variety
200 C-2 Cabbage - 1 head - any variety
200 C-3 Carrots - 3 - any variety
200 C-4 Cucumbers - 3 - any variety
200 C-5 Horseradish - 3 roots - any variety
200 C-6 Kohlrabi - 3 - any variety
200 C-7 Onions - 3 - any variety
200 C-8 Peppers - Bell - 3 - any variety
200 C-9 Peppers - Sweet Banana - 3 - any variety
200 C-10 Peppers - Jalapeno - 3 - any variety
200 C-11 Peppers - any other variety - 3
200 C-12 Potatoes - 3 - any variety
200 C-13 Sweet Potatoes - 3 - any variety
200 C-14 Pumpkin - any variety - 3 mini or 1 larger
200 C-15 Squash - any variety - 2
200 C-16 Squash - Zucchini - 2
Tomatoes - See Fruit Section
200 C-17 Any other Vegetable not listed
200 C-20 Largest Pepper
200 C-21 Largest Onion
200 C-22 Largest Cucumber
200 C-23 Freak of Nature or Odd shaped Vegetables
200 C-24 Display of Vegetables
(Must contain at least 10-15 items, with at least 6 varieties of vegetables. Produce must have been family grown. A wooden crate will be provided for this display.)
Mark variety on entry card. Must have been home / family grown.
200 D-1 Musk Melon/Cantaloupe - 1 - any variety
200 D-2 Watermelon - 1 - any variety
200 D-3 Any other melon - 1 - any variety
200 D-4 Pears - 3 - any variety
200 D-5 Peaches - 3 - any variety
200 D-6 Plums - 3 - any variety
200 D-7 Tomatoes - any larger variety - 3
200 D-8 Tomatoes - Cherry - 6
200 D-9 Tomatoes - Grape - 6
200 D-10 Any other Fruit
200 D-11. Largest MuskMelon/Cantaloupe
200 D-13 Largest Watermelon
200 D-14 Largest Tomato
200 D-15 Best Display of Fruit
(Must contain 10-15 items, with at least 4 varieties of fruit. A wooden crate will be provided for this display. Fruit must have been family grown.)
Mark variety on entry card. Must have been home / family grown.
200 E-1 Fruit - Any canned fruit - 1 qt or 1 pt
200 E-2 Sauces - any fruit variety - 1 qt or 1 pt
200 E-3 Vegetable - any canned vegetable - 1 qt or 1 pt
200 E-4 Sauces - any vegetable variety - 1 qt or 1 pt
200 E-5 Juice - any canned fruit - 1 qt or 1 pt
200 E-6 Juice - any canned vegetable - 1 qt or 1 pt
200 E-7 Preserves - any variety - 1 Pt, 1/2 pt or jelly jar
200 E-8 Jellies - any variety - 1 pt, 1/2 pt or jelly jar
200 E-9 Jams - any variety - 1 pt, 1/2 pt or jelly jar
200 E-10 Fruit Butter - any variety - 1 pt, 1/2 pt or jelly jar
200 E-11 Pickles - any variety - 1 qt or 1 pt
200 E-12 Relishes - any variety - 1 qt or 1 pt
200 E-13 Salsa - any variety - 1 qt or 1 pt
200 E-14 Sauces - any other variety - 1 qt or 1 pt
200 E-15 Homemade Soup - any variety - 1 qt or 1 pt
200 E-16 Canned Meat - any variety - 1 qt or 1 pt
200 E-17 Maple Syrup - any variety - 1 qt or 1 pt
200 E-18 Any other miscellaneous canned item
Place in a zip lock sandwich bag and mark the variety on the entry card.
200 F-1 Meats
200 F-2 Vegetables
200 F-3 Fruits
200 F-4 Herbs
200 F-5 Miscellaneous
Must have been home/family grown
200 G-1 Brown Eggs - 1 doz.
200 G-2 White Eggs - 1 doz.
200 G-3 Any other color Eggs - 1 doz.
200 G-4 Dressed up egg - 1 Egg
200 H-1 Extracted Honey - white to light amber (3 lbs packed in standard glass queenline 1-lb. containers)
200 H-2 Extracted Honey - amber to dark (3 lbs packed in standard glass queenline 1-lb. containers)
200 H-3 Chunk or Cut Comb Honey in Frames
200 H-4 Honey in Extracting Frames (2 shallow frames wrapped in cellophane or other protection)
200 H-5 Chunk Honey - (3 lbs packed in standard 1-lb. containers)
200 H-6 Cut Comb Honey - (3 sections in plastic or foil boxes)
200 H-7 Beeswax - 1 piece (2 lbs minimum)
200 H-8 Creamy Honey
Department 250 Agriculture Exhibits Senior & Junior
Superintendent-Tracey Backhaus 419.438.1149
Refer to the Exhibit General Rules for class-specific instructions.
Must list ingredients
250 A-1 Animal based (milk, etc.)
250 A-2 Vegetable/Fruit based
Department 300/400
Department 300 Horticulture - Senior Division
Refer to the Exhibit General Rules for class-specific instructions
(10 inch container unless otherwise indicated)
1st Show 2nd Show
8/17/24 8/21/24
300 A-1 African Violet - single, single crown
300 A-2 African Violet - double, single crown
300 A-3 Begonia - any one variety
300 A-4 375 A-4 Geranium - any one variety (16” pot limit for 2nd Show)
300 A-5 375 A-5 Coleus - any one variety (16” pot limit for 2nd Show)
300 A-6 Cactus
300 A-7 Fern
300 A-8 Fuchsia
300 A-9 Hanging Basket - one variety
300 A-10 Hanging Basket - mixed
300 A-11 Jade
300 A-12 375 A-12 Succulent (16” pot limit for 2nd Show)
300 A-13 Orchids - any variety
300 A-14 Philodendron, one pot (may have more than
one plant)
300 A-15 375 A-15 Sweet potato vine (may have more than one variety) (16” pot limit for 2nd Show)
300 A-16 Any Ivy vine
300 A-17 375 A-17 Flowering plant - any plant not listed (not a hanging basket) (16” pot limit for 2nd Show)
300 A-18 375 A-18 Foliage plant - any plant not listed (not a hanging basket) (16” pot limit for 2nd Show)
300 A-19 375 A-19 Patio container up to 16”, exhibitor’s choice
300 A-20 375 A-20 Patio container, over 16” and up to 24”, exhibitor’s choice
300 A-21 375 A-21 Fairy Garden
Hybrid tea roses should be at their most perfect state of beauty at time of judging, generally 1/2 to 3/4 open. A full blown rose is one in which the bloom is completely open with a visible center. Foliage should be clean with no sign of disease, spray, or insect damage. Only natural cleaning of foliage is permitted. All foliage is to remain on the main shoot. Thorns are to remain, except for those below the waterline of the vase. Hybrid tea roses are shown disbudded. Stem length should be in proportion to the size of the bloom.
1st Show 2nd Show
8/17/24 8/21/24
300 B-2 375 B-2 Hybrid Tea - All colors
​Floribunda roses should be on one cane and have two sets of leaves below the lowest lateral. These roses should not be disbudded. Removal of dead central flowers does not constitute disbudding.
​300 B-3 375 B-3 Floribunda
​Grandiflora sprays should be similar to floribunda sprays and grandiflora single bloom should be similar to hybrid teas.
1st Show 2nd Show
8/17/24 8/21/24
300 B-4 375 B-4 Grandiflora
300 B-5 375 B-5 Shrub Rose - English
300 B-6 375 B-6 Shrub Rose - single
300 B-7 375 B-7 Shrub Rose - double (other than English
300 B-8 375 B-8 Miniature rose - 1 bloom
300 B-9 375 B-9 Miniature rose - full blown - 1 bloom
300 B-10 375 B-10 Carpet or ground cover rose - any color - 1 spray
300 B-11 375 B-11 Climber - any variety - 1 spray
300 B-12 375 B-12 Any rose not falling in above classes - 1 bloom or 1 spray
1st Show 2nd Show
8/17/24 8/21/24
300 C-1 375 C-1 Aster - all colors - 3 blooms
300 C-2 375 C-2 Celosia - crested - 1 bloom - disbudded
300 C-3 375 C-3 Celosia - plumed - all colors - 1 stem
300 C-4 375 C-4 Cleome - any color - 1 spike
300 C-5 375 C-5 Cosmos - large variety - 3 blooms (over 2 1/2 “) - one color
300 C-6 375 C-6 Cosmos - small variety - 5 blooms - any color combo
300 C-7 375 C-7 Gloriosa Daisy - 1 bloom
300 C-8 375 C-8 Marigold - single type with single row of petals - 1 spray
300 C-9 375 C-9 Marigold - dwarf - 1 spray (under 2”)
300 C-10 375 C-10 Marigold - large - 1 bloom (over 2”)
300 C-11 375 C-11 Nicotiana (flowering tobacco) - 1 spray
300 C-13 375 C-13 Ornamental grass - 1 variety - 3 stems - with/without seed head - up to 15”
300 C-14 375 C-14 Ornamental grass - 1 variety - 3 stems - with/without seed head - 15”-36”
300 C-15 375 C-15 Salvia - one color - 3 spike
300 C-16 375 C-16 Snapdragon - any color - 1 spike
300 C-17 375 C-17 Strawflower - any color
300 C-18 375 C-18 Sunflower - small variety - 1 bloom (under 6”)
300 C-19 375 C-19 Sunflower - any variety - 1 bloom (over 6” up to 10”)
300 C-20 375 C-20 Zinnia - bi color - 1 bloom
300 C-21 375 C-21 Zinnia - green - 1 bloom
300 C-22 375 C-22 Zinnia - one color pompom - 3 blooms
300 C-23 375 C-23 Zinnia Dahlia type - any color - 1 bloom
300 C-24 375 C-24 Zinnia - cactus type - 1 bloom
300 C-25 375 C-25 Zinnia - any other - 1 bloom
300 C-26 375 C-26 Any Annual not listed - round - disbudded - 1 bloom
300 C-27 375 C-27 Any Annual not listed- 24” up - 1 spike
300 C-28 375 C-28 Any annual not listed - 24” - spray form
1st Show 2nd Show
8/17/24~ 8/21/24
300 D-1~ 375 D-1 BuddleIa (butterfly bush) - 1 spike
300 D-2~ 375 D-2 Chrysanthemum - pom pom - 1 spray
300 D-3~ 375 D-3 Chrysanthemum - quilled - 1 bloom - disbudded
300 D-4~ 375 D-4 Chrysanthemum - spoon type - 1 spray
300 D-5~ 375 D-5 Chrysanthemum - any variety- 1 spray
300 D-6~ 375 D-6 Coreopsis - any variety - 3 blooms
300 D-7~ 375 D-7 Daisy - any variety - 1 bloom
300 D-8~ 375 D-8 Delphinium - 1 spike
300 D-9~ 375 D-9 Echinacea (cone flower) - 1 bloom
300 D-10~375 D-10 Gaillardia - 3 blooms
300 D-11~375 D-11 Hemerocallis (day lily) - 1 scape
300 D-12~375 D-12 1 Hosta (miniature) - 3 leaves - 1 inch or less across
300 D-13~375 D-13 Hosta - 1 leaf - 1-3” across
300 D-14~375 D-14 Hosta - 1 leaf - 4-7” across
300 D-15~375 D-15 Hosta - 1 leaf - 8-10” across
300 D-16~375 D-16 Hosta - 1 leaf - 11-12” across
300 D-17~375 D-17 Rudbeckia (Black-eyed Susan) - 1 bloom
300 D-18~375 D-18 Salvia - 1 spike
300 D-19~375 D-19 Yarrow (achillea) - 3 blooms
300 D-20~375 D-20 Any perennial not listed - 1 bloom
300 D-21~375 D-21 Any perennial not listed - 1 spike
300 D-22~375 D-22 Any perennial not listed - 1 spray
1st Show 2nd Show
8/17/24~ 8/21/24
300 E-1~ 375 E-1 Canna - 1 stem - may have leaf, but not necessary
300 E-2~ 375 E-2 Any other tender bulb or tuber not listed - 1 bloom or stem
Each gladiolus must be cut to a length not to exceed 20” from bottom floret down. This is intended primarily to avoid accidents caused by top heavy entries falling over (ruling by National Gladiolus Society). Side shoots must be removed, although foliage should be left on.
Markings permitted. No unattached foliage is permitted.
300 E-3~ 375 E-3 Gladiolus - all colors
300 E-4~ 375 E-4 Gladiolus - small/miniature - 1 spike
300 E-5~ 375 E-5 Lilium - 1 bloom
300 E-6~ 375 E-6 Lilium - 1 stem
Disbud early, must include the first set of 5 leaves attached to the stem. Dahlias are classified by their size and measured by the diameter of the bloom. Exhibitors must measure the diameter of the dahlia to enter in the proper class.
300 E-7~ 375 E-7 Dahlias - all colors over 6’
300 E-8~ 375 E-8 Dahlias - All colors 4-6”
300 E-9~ 375 E-9 Dahlias - All colors 2-3”
300 E-10~375 E-10 Dahlias - Pom pom - 3 blooms - 2” or less in diameter
1st Show 2nd Show
8/17/24 8/21/24
Leaves/Stems only, in water, not potted
300 F-1~ 375 F-1 Dill
300 F-2~ 375 F-2 Basil
300 F-3~ 375 F-3 Thyme
300 F-4~ 375 F-4 Oregano
300 F-5~ 375 F-5 Chives
300 F-6~ 375 F-6 Lavender
300 F-7~ 375 F-7 Sage
300 F-8~ 375 F-8 Mint
300 F-9~ 375 F-9 Rosemary
300 F-10~375 F-10 Parsley
300 F-11~375 F-11 Lemon Verbena
300 F-12~375 F-12 Lemon Balm
300 F-13~375 F-13 Any other Herb
1st Show 2nd Show
8/17/24 8/21/24
300 G-1~ 375 G-1 Small design which must be over 5” to no more than 12” in any direction
300 G-2~ 375 G-2 Creative Parallel design – Creative 3-dimensional design with three or more strong parallel groupings of plant material(s) and/or other (optional) components. The strong parallel groupings can be vertical, horizontal or diagonal.
Department 400 Horticulture - Junior Division
1st Show 2nd Show
8/17/24 8/21/24
400 A-1~ 475 A-1 Vegetable display - one (1) each of five (5) different vegetables
400 A-2~ 475 A-2 Gladiolus - 1 spike
400 A-3~ 475 A-3 Marigold - large, 1 bloom
400 A-4~ 475 A-4 Marigold - small, 1 spray
400 A-5~ 475 A-5 Rose - Hybrid tea, 1 bloom
400 A-6~ 475 A-6 Rose - Any other, 1 bloom or spray
400 A-7~ 475 A-7 Zinnia - cactus flowered, 1 bloom
400 A-8~ 475 A-8 Zinnia - dahlia flowered, 1 bloom
400 A-9~ 475 A-9 Zinnia largest, 1 bloom, size limit: over 5” in diameter
400 A-10~475 A-10 Any other annual not listed, 1 bloom
400 A-11~475 A-11 Any other annual not listed, 1 spray
400 A-12~475 A-12 Any other annual not listed, 1 spike
400 A-13~475 A-13 Any perennial, 1 bloom
400 A-14~475 A-14 Patio container up to 16” limit, grower’s choice
400 A-15~475 A-15 Fairy Garden
1st Show 2nd Show
8/17/24 8/21/24
400 G-1~ 475 G-1 Small design which must be over 5” to no more than 12” in any direction
400 G-2~ 475 G-2 Creative Parallel design – Creative 3-dimensional design with three or more strong parallel groupings of plant material(s) and/or other (optional) components. The strong parallel groupings can be vertical, horizontal or diagonal.
Department 500
Department 500 Homemade Wines - Senior Division
Refer to the Exhibit General Rules for class-specific instructions
500 A-1 Dry Red Grape
500 A-2 Dry Red Non-Grape
500 A-3 White Dry Grape
500 A-4 White Dry Non-Grape
500 A-5 Rose/Blush
500 A-6 Red Sweet Grape
500 A-7 Red Sweet Non-Grape
500 A-8 White Sweet Grape
500 A-9 White Sweet Non-Grape
500 A-10 Dessert - Grape
500 A-11 Dessert - Non-Grape
500 A-12 Sparkling Red
500 A-13 Sparkling White
500 A-14 Ice Wine
500 A-15 Novelty Wine
Class B - Wine Made Without A Kit
500 B-1 Dry Red Grape
500 B-2 Dry Red Non-Grape
500 B-3 White Dry Grape
500 B-4 White Dry Non-Grape
500 B-5 Rose/Blush
500 B-6 Red Sweet Grape
500 B-7 Red Sweet Non-Grape
500 B-8 White Sweet Grape
500 B-9 White Sweet Non-Grape
500 B-10 Dessert - Grape
500 B-11 Dessert - Non-Grape
500 B-12 Sparkling Red
500 B-13 Sparkling White
500 B-14 Ice Wine
500 B-15 Novelty Wine
Department 600
Department 600 Homemade Brews - Senior Division
Refer to the Exhibit General Rules for class-specific instructions
600 A-1 Light American Lager
600 A-2 Standard American Lager
600 A-3 Premium American Lager
600 A-4 Munich Helles
600 A-5 Dortmunder Export
600 A-6 German Pilsner
600 A-7 Bohemian Pilsner
600 A-8 Classic American Pilsner
600 A-9 Maibock/Helles Bock
600 B-1 Vienna Lager
600 B-2 Oktoberfest/Marzen
600 B-3 Dark American Lager
600 B-4 Munich Dunkel
600 B-5 Schwarzbier
600 B-6 Traditional Bock
600 B-7 Doppelbock
600 B-8 Eisbock
600 C-1 Cream Ale
600 C-2 Blonde Ale
600 C-3 Kolsch
600 C-4 American Wheat or Rye
600 C-5 North German Altbier
600 C-6 Dusseldorf Altbier
600 C-7 California Common
600 D-1 American Pale Ale
600 D-2 American Amber Ale
600 D-3 American Brown Ale
600 D-4 American IPA
600 E-1 Standard/Ordinary Bitter
600 E-2 Standard/Best/Premium Bitter
600 E-3 Extra Special/Strong Bitter (English Pale Ale)
600 E-4 English IPA
600 E-5 Southern English Brown Ale
600 F-1 Scottish Light 60/-
600 F-2 Scottish Heavy 70/-
600 F-3 Scottish Export 80/-
600 F-4 Scotch Ale
600 F-5 Irish Red Ale
600 G-1 Witbier Saison
600 G-2 Belgian Blonde
600 G-3 Dubbel
600 G-4 Tripel
600 G-5 Golden Strong
600 G-6 Dark Strong
600 G-7 Biere de Garde
600 G-8 Belgian Specialty
600 G-9 Flanders Red and Brown
600 G-10 All Lambies
600 G-11 Sour Ales
600 H-1 Weizen/Weissbier
600 H-2 Dunkelweizen
600 H-3 Weizenbock
600 H-4 Berliner Weisse
600 H-5 Roggenbier
600 J-1 Brown Porter
600 J-2 Robust Porter
600 J-3 Baltic Porter
600 J-4 Dry Stout
600 J-5 Sweet Stout
600 J-6 Oatmeal Stout
600 J-7 Foreign Extra Stout
600 J-8 Imperial Stout
600 K-1 Styles include but are not limited to:
Olde Ale
English Barleywine
American Barleywine
Spice/Herb/Vegetable Beers
Christmas/Spiced/Winter Specialty Beers
Smoke-flavored and Wood-Aged Beers
Fruit Beers.
Department 700
Department 700 Photography
Refer to the Exhibit General Rules for class-specific instructions
Photos may be color or black & white
700 A-1 Animal (wildlife, pets, insects, birds)
700 A-2 People
700 A-3 Architecture / Buildings
700 A-4 City Life
700 A-5 Rural Life
700 A-6 Landscape, waterscape, skyscape
700 A-7 Seasonal
700 A-8 Flora (flowers, plants, trees, vegetation)
700 A-9 Sports
700 A-10 Action
700 A-11 Defiance County Scenes
700 A-12 Defiance County Fair Scenes (any year)
700 A-13 Close-up
700 A-14 Still Life
700 A-15 Different Point of View
700 A-16 Humor
700 A-17 Special Effect
700 A-18 Tell A Story (4 to 6 pictures - each photo minimum of 3”x5”, maximum 5”x7”)
700 A-19 Panoramic (any size)
700 A-20 Black & White (any subject)
700 A-21 Photos by Drone
Photos may be color or black & white
700 B-1 Animal (wildlife, pets, insects, birds)
700 B-2 People
700 B-3 Architecture / Buildings
700 B-4 City Life
700 B-5 Rural Life
700 B-6 Landscape, waterscape, skyscape
700 B-7 Seasonal
700 B-8 Flora (flowers, plants, trees, vegetation)
700 B-9 Sports
700 B-10 Action
700 B-11 Defiance County Scenes
700 B-12 Defiance County Fair Scenes (any year)
700 B-13 Close-up
700 B-14 Still Life
700 B-15 Different Point of View
700 B-16 Humor
700 B-17 Special Effect
700 B-18 Tell A Story (4 to 6 pictures - each photo minimum of 3”x5”, maximum 5”x7”)
700 B-19 Panoramic (any size)
700 B-20 Black & White (any subject)
700 B-21 Photos by Drone
Department 800
Department 800 Art Classes
Refer to the Exhibit General Rules for class-specific instructions
800 A-1 Drawing - Black & White (graphite, charcoal, pen & ink, marker)
800 A-2 Drawing - Color (oil, chalk pastel, color pencil)
800 A-3 Painting - Oil or acrylic
800 A-4 Painting - Watercolor
800 A-5 Decorative or Tole Painting (including painting on any type of object, furniture)
800 A-6 Miscellaneous Art - Mixed media, airbrushing, printmaking, graphic design
800 A-7 Beans, Seeds, and Legumes Art
800 A-8 Diamond Art
800 B-1 Scrapbooking - Page must be in a protective sleeve. One page per entry:
a. Birthday Page
b. Wedding Page
c. Friend Page
d. Christmas Page
e. Sports Page
f. Defiance
g. County Fair Page
800 B-2 Miscellaneous Crafts - Weaving, stained glass, original pottery/ceramics (no molds), copper enameling, sculpture, batik, wood carving, and wood burning (limit size to 10 sq. ft). Classes will be divided as necessary.
Open to all youth from preschool thru high school. All ages are as of August 1 of the current year.
850 A-1 Drawing- Black & White (pencils, markers, ink, paint, crayon, etc.)
850 A-2 Drawing- Color (crayon, markers, paint, etc.)
850 A-3 Scrapbook Page - must be in protective sleeve Categories:
a. Birthday
b. Wedding
c. Friend
d. Christmas
e. Sports
f. Defiance County Fair
850 A-4 Beans, Seeds, and Legumes Art
Class B will be divided into five age groups: Ages 4-6, 7-9, 10-12, 13-15, and 16-18.)
850 B-1 Drawing - Black & White (pencils, markers, ink, paint, crayon, etc.)
850 B-2 Drawing - Color (crayon, colored pencils, markers, pastels, etc.)
850 B-3 Painting - (acrylic, watercolor, finger paint, etc.)
850 B-4 Misc. Art on paper - mixed media, collage, batik, etc.)
850 B-5 Misc. Craft (weaving, jewelry, sculpture, pottery, stained glass, wood carving, and wood burning (limit size to 10 sq. ft.), etc.)
850 B-6 Scrapbook Page - must be in a protective sleeve
a. Birthday
b. Wedding
c. Friend
d. Christmas
e. Sports
f. Defiance County Fair
850 B-7 Diamond Art
Department 900
Department 900 Quilts
Refer to the Exhibit General Rules for class-specific instructions
900 A-1 Cross Stitch
900 A-2 Embroidered
900 A-3 Applique
900 A-4 Pieced and machine quilted
900 A-5 Pieced and hand quilted
900 A-6 Pieced and tied
900 A-7 Baby Quilt, hand quilted
900 A-8 Baby Quilt, machine quilted
900 A-9 Baby Quilt, knotted
900 A-10 Miniature Quilt
900 A-11 Lap Quilt
900 A-12 Wall Hanging
Department 950
Department 950 Handwork
Refer to the Exhibit General Rules for class-specific instructions
950 A-1 Individual item - class will be divided as needed. Select one from the following: scarf, hat, mittens, socks, boot cuffs
950 A-2 Set of items - select two or more matching items from the list above
950 A-3 Sweater
950 A-4 Vest
950 A-5 Afghan
950 A-6 Novelty Item - purse, wallet, headband, ear muffs
950 A-7 Clothing Item - Any item meant to be worn.
950 A-8 Infant Clothing
950 A-9 Baby Blankets
950 B-1 Individual item - class will be divided as needed. Select one from the following: scarf, hat, mittens, socks, boot cuffs
950 B-2 Set of items - select two or more matching items from the list above
950 B-3 Sweater
950 B-4 Vest
950 B-5 Afghan
950 B-6 Novelty Item - purse, wallet, headband, ear muffs
950 C-1 Felting (Any Item)
Department 975
Department 975 Woodworking
Refer to the Exhibit General Rules for class-specific instructions
Class: Woodworking 975-A-1
Senior Division 18 years of age and up
Small Woodworking project
Class: Woodworking 975 B-1
Junior Division 17 years and under
Small Woodworking project